Monday, March 28, 2011

Snow Day!

We awoke to a couple inches of snow.  It wasn't as exciting as it sounds.  When I heard Jameson say, "Babe, it's snowing...a lot!"  I knew I was doomed.  This meant that I was forced out of our warm bed, and needed to take him to school.  Of course I didn't want him to have to walk, but I didn't necessarily want to go out in the freezing weather.  What happened to the days when I would wake up hoping that it had snowed a lot so that we could have a snow day?  I only remember one snow day in my existence, and I believe I was in 6th grade. It was so fun!  And now I'm old[er], and snow is a lot less fun. 

What did we do for our snow day?  We watched movies, I made Au gratin potatoes, and we many treats and some strawberry was delicious!  Overall, it was an amazing day.


LauraandJoel said...

Yikes! More snow? That's so Idaho! I remember it snowing on my bday one year (June 17). We're sweating down here already - running the a/c. See y'all in April.

Emma Sears said...

Oooh my birthday is on June 25. I remember it snowing once in Utah in June too, crazy stuff. I really hope that doesn't happen this year! We're missing Texas right about now..

Steph said...

Oh man ya im so tired of the snow too! Looks like you still made a fun day out of it! :)

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